-Hi, I'm Forrest! 👋-

I'm a senior majoring in Computation and Design at Duke Kunshan University, where I specialize in computer science, exploring the intersections of technology, design, and social impact.With interests in AI and its role shaping society, my capstone project leverages sentiment analysis and natural language processing to analyze political discourse across social media during the 2024 U.S. presidential election.My professional experience has been marked by research in edge intelligence, where I've researched decentralized applications of AI implementation in robotics.In my free time, I enjoy playing volleyball, capturing photos of landscapes and cars, curating playlists that evolve with my music taste, and café-hopping to explore new cities.



Summer 2023: Research Assistant Intern @ Huazhong University, School of Computer Science & Technology
        â€¢ Conducted research in edge computing to explore its AI applications for the DJI RoboMaster University Championship.

2019-2020: Global Campaign & Marketing Intern @ Crowdera
        â€¢ Supported CEO directly in outreach & development efforts for the Thrive5 accelerator program.

2019-2020: Product & User Testing Intern @ TTYL
        â€¢ Worked alongside development teams to assist in product & user testing.


2023-Present: Student Representative @ Duke Kunshan University, Divison of Natural and Applied Science
        â€¢ Facilitate student input to DNAS Chairs and faculty to address student challenges and enhance experiences within the division.

2018-2021: Regional Manager @ CodeDay Bay Area
        â€¢ Led a team of 11 students and served as liaison between CDBA and 501(c)(3) nonprofit CodeDay.


Code Evangelist® @ CodeDay, formerly SRND & StudentRND
Director of Business & Marketing @ HackGuild, formerly HAX
Program Coordinator @ STEMchats, STEMchats Institute
Advancement @ Project: Website
Outreach Director @ FrontierHacks
Brand Ambassador @ TechTogether New York
Outreach Director @ OmniHacks
Outreach Director @ MatadorHacks



Sentiment Analysis & Data Visualization on 2024 U.S. Presidential Election – Capstone Project
Python (pandas, NumPy, NLTK Vader, Matplotlib)
Scraped 57,000+ posts from Instagram and X using hashtags and trending searches to effectively communicate insights and stimulate discussions on the increasing polarization within the electorate.
Advanced Machine Learning Techniques for Image Recognition & Decentralized Learning
Python (NumPy, TensorFlow, Keras)
Self-learned image recognition using convolutional neural networks, reinforcement learning, and federated learning. Explored different reinforcement learning methods, specifically Q-learning, Policy Gradients, and Deep Q-networks, to have agents interact with environments through trial and error.
Impact of Manischewitz’s Rebranding
Python (pandas, NumPy, NLTK Vader, TextBlob, Matplotlib)
Dissected consumer sentiment on Manischewitz's 2024 rebranding by processing social media comments and news articles.
Predicting Features on Exam Performance
Python (pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, Matplotlib)
Evaluated the impact of socioeconomic factors on math, reading, and writing exam scores through linear regression, logistic regression, decision tree, random forest, and support vector machine supervised learning models.
Night Light with IoT Technology
C++ (ArduinoJson)
A fully color customizable NodeMCU ESP8266 powered night light containing sensors that detect environmental parameters using IoT technology. Software created in Arduino IDE and hosted on the Cayenne IoT platform.
Smart Schedule
JavaScript (JSON, jQuery), HTML/CSS
Web application that produces an efficient schedule using the Pomodoro Technique based on user inputs.

relevant coursework

Duke Kunshan University: Richard H. Brodhead Global Scholar
        â€¢ COMPSCI 201: Introduction to Programming & Data Structures
        â€¢ COMPSCI 205: Computer Organization & Programming
        â€¢ COMPSCI 306: Introduction to Operating Systems
        â€¢ COMPSCI 308: Design & Analysis of Algorithms
        â€¢ STATS 102: Introduction to Data Science
        â€¢ STATS 201: Introduction to Machine Learning for Social Science
        â€¢ STATS 202: Modeling & Predicting
        â€¢ MATH 205: Probability & Statistics
        â€¢ MINITERM 102: Automated Machine Learning
        â€¢ INFOSCI 102: Computation & Problem Solving
        â€¢ INFOSCI 103: Computation, Society & Culture
        â€¢ INFOSCI 104: Digital Design
        â€¢ INFOSCI 301: Data Visualization & Information Aesthetics
Duke University:
        â€¢ COMPSCI 100: Introduction to Computer Science
        â€¢ COMPSCI 230: Discrete Math for Computer Science
De Anza College:
        â€¢ CIS 56: Network Security

© 2019-2024 forrest leung